Our first Hope Hub in Galicia, Spain.


Nested in a future regenerative neighbourhood!

Watch the video we made for our crowdfunding campaign introducing the project and ourselves!

Hi, welcome to the Hope Hub in Galicia!

Manolo, a Galician permaculture enthusiast bought a small abandoned village and 20 hectar of old forest in Mañon, Galicia. Hannah & Julia met him in 2023 on their search for the right place to open the first Hope Hub. Yup, it's a match! Together they decided to bring the village back to life and implement the Hope Hub concept!

Main topics to co-create & research here

While connected through the vision and regenerative principles,
every Hope Hub's research topics will be unique, depending on local conditions and initiators.

Focus of 2024

Regenerative village
design & governance

Permaculture garden
Food forest

Stay tuned for
workshops and events!

Community building
and collaborative network

Thank you 2023!

From 2025 on

Team retreats for
your organization

Retreats for your

Youth summer camps

Field trips for schools
and universities

Regenerative holidays

Innovation runs