education and innovation centers rooted
in regenerative principles
& community
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Richard Buckminster 'Bucky' Fuller
Hope Hub
creating new realities through making new experiences, action-research, multi-stakeholder collaboration and innovation possible
The personal
The system
Feeling safe and resourced to authentically express oneself is key to regenerative change as each one of us contributes to change best when accessing and sharing their individual experiences and skills. Being a regenerative leader is becoming truly authentic to oneself. Therefore, creating safety and psychological, physical, social and financial resources is key.
New regenerative structures are built through million mindful processes of dreaming and implementing innovative ideas of visionary leaders and interdisciplinary teams. The creation, support and connection of regenerative practicioners, structures and entities slowly replaces extractive ones in size and quality.
Theory of Change
We believe we need more spaces that hold and facilitate the processes of authentic community building, personal and systemic transformation. All rooted in mindfulness and regeneration. We equip and connect regenerative leaders through retreating together.
Experiencing a sense of belonging and feeling supported by a present and caring community brings safety to our nervous systems and minds. Authentic community-building connects the right actors and changemakers and builds bridges between worlds to leverage regenerative change. People coming together creates exciting momentum to attract even more!
Vision of change
It's thyme's mission is to inspire and equip people to become regenerative leaders who can hold space for personal and systemic processes and create more Hope Hubs as physical spaces through which safety, resources and regenerative structures will grow. Our vision is to grow into a living network that amplifies the member's stories and research, do community building, PR and communication and represent the members in policy making matters.
it's thyme
your space for deep regeneration
Germany, Spain, Portugal, Canada, Kenya